FAQs About Lawn Equipment
Our robust inventory of lawn equipment is ideal for a variety of yard-improvement tasks. Try sod cutters when preparing a new landscape bed or clearing for a new sidewalk or driveway, or check out lawn thatchers for removing thatch, which, when in excess, can be bad for your lawn and even make it turn brown. Our lawn overseeder rentals combine the raking function of a thatcher with a seeder to help restore a thinning area in your yard. And our backpack leaf blower rentals are ideal for moving leaves without straining your arms. From hedge trimmers and weed eaters to log splitters, we're here to help. In addition to providing information on our lawn equipment rentals, we can also help you consider the equipment needed for a successful lawn care business. Check out our Project Uptime article on Landscaping Tools List: The Equipment Needed for Lawn Care Business Success to ensure you have all the necessary tools for your business.
Learn more about our lawn equipment rentals in our FAQ section below.
Backpack leaf blowers shift the weight of the blower onto your back, distributing the load more evenly and comfortably. Look for backpack blowers with padded straps, adjustable hip belts, adjustable handles and anti-vibration mounts. However, if you have back problems or concerns, you might look into hand-held leaf blowers instead of backpack blowers.
First, run your blower on the blow setting and then vacuum to remove all the leaves. After ensuring there is no oil or gasoline remaining and the engine has cooled off, wipe down the exterior. Finally, store the leaf blower in a dry place. Hanging on the garage or shed wall is a good way to store your blower.
Sod cutters cut grass at the roots to remove sections of sod and expose the bare ground beneath. The type of sod cutter you need depends on the size of the project. Sod cutters can range from a shovel-like sod cutter to heavy-duty motorized sod cutters meant to remove large areas of sod.