- Duration:
- 20 minutes
- Expiration:
- No Expiration
- Pricing:
25.00 per seat (x1)
20 or more seats - 10% Off
Product code: SH_013_EL_EN
Fit for Duty: Supervisor
According to OSHA, fit for duty means that an individual is in a physical, mental, and emotional state which enables the employee to perform the essential tasks of his or her work assignment in a manner which does NOT threaten the safety or health of oneself, co-workers, property, or the public at large.
As a manager, you must make sure all your employees are medically and physically capable of performing the essential functions of their job, and that they are legally compliant with their job’s regulatory requirements. A fit for duty program helps you establish a culture of health and safety in which your employees work safely and efficiently.
Training Topics:
- Know what fit for duty is
- Be aware of ways you and your employees can stay fit for duty
- Understand why and how fit for duty tests are administered
- Know what happens with fit for duty medical evaluations after the test
- And be aware of your responsibilities as a manager to ensure all employees are fit for duty
This training program focuses on the needs of the “end user”, and upon successful completion, will provide an updated operator's certificate and wallet card.
Training Topic
- Employee
- Supervisor Training
Education Type
- Awareness
Learning Setting
- Online
Instruction Language
- English
Price per seat
Session Details
- Awareness
- Online
- English