- Duration:
- 20 minutes
- Expiration:
- No Expiration
- Pricing:
25.00 per seat (x1)
20 or more seats - 10% Off
Product code: SH_010_EL_EN
Fire Prevention
Fire at a construction site can endanger the lives of workers and others who happen to be on the site. A fire during the course of construction also can result in injuries to workers, severe structural damage; destruction of machinery, equipment or materials; and untimely delay in project completion.
Fire safety is everyone's responsibility and there are things you can do every day as an employee to prevent the threat of a fire at your jobsite.
Training Topics:
- Understand what causes a fire
- Be aware of a fire prevention plan and it’s components
- Be prepared to handle a fire emergency on the job
- Know when and how to fight a fire
- Be able to identify different types of fire extinguishers and what they do
- Know how to use a fire extinguisher
This training program focuses on the needs of the “end user”, and upon successful completion, will provide an updated operator's certificate and wallet card.
Training Topic
- Awareness
Education Type
- Awareness
Learning Setting
- Online
Instruction Language
- English
- Spanish
Price per seat
Session Details
- Awareness
- Online
- English