FAQs About Portable Work Lights
At United Rentals, we carry options for portable LED work string lights, balloon lights, magnetic lights, light stands, drop lights and hand lamps. We also have additional light accessories. Our lights can be mounted on a stand-alone base and are easily transportable. United Rentals is the best choice for your lighting needs, with options to suit multiple jobsite environments and specific task requirements. Learn more about our selection of work lights in our FAQ section below.
This depends mostly on the type of jobsite you’re working on, how much luminescent power is required, and whether your lighting needs to be easily moveable. Handlamps, balloon lights, drop lights and even magnetic lights can all be great choices for construction work. We encourage you to consult with your site manager to determine which source of lighting best suits your needs.
All LED work lights need a transformer. However, depending on the type of bulb, the transformer could be built into the bulb or located externally. LED transformers are used for controlling a greater flow of electricity, which could apply to large-scale LED projects. If you have any questions concerning your portable work light needs, United Rentals experts are here to answer any questions you have and provide solutions.
For outside lighting purposes, 80 watts and lower is ideal. However, for worksite lighting needs, more wattage might be necessary. United Rentals offers portable work lights that range from 40 watts to 2,000 watts.