- Duration:
- 20 minutes
- Expiration:
- No Expiration
- Pricing:
25.00 per seat (x1)
20 or more seats - 10% Off
Product code: SH_021_EL_EN
Energy sources including electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, chemical, thermal, or other sources in machines and equipment can be hazardous to workers. During the servicing and maintenance of machines and equipment, the unexpected startup or release of stored energy can result in serious injury or death to workers.
The OSHA standard for The Control of Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout), Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 1910.147, addresses the practices and procedures necessary to disable machinery or equipment, thereby preventing the release of hazardous energy while employees perform servicing and maintenance.
Training Topics:
- Understand what hazardous energy is
- Be aware of the hazards of hazardous energy and the injuries it can cause
- Know the responsibilities of an authorized employee, affected employee, and company in relation to hazardous energy
- Be able to recognize and properly use logout/tagout devices
- Know when to use lockout/out tagout devices
- Be able to properly restart the equipment after it has been fixed and ready to use again
This training program focuses on the needs of the “end user”, and upon successful completion, will provide an updated operator's certificate and wallet card.
Training Topic
- Guidelines
Education Type
- Awareness
Learning Setting
- Online
Instruction Language
- English
- Spanish
Price per seat
Session Details
- Awareness
- Online
- English