- Duration:
- 6 hours
- Expiration:
- 3 years
- Pricing:
109.00 per seat (x1)
20 or more seats - 10% off
Product code: ESTS_US21_EL_EN
Electrical Safety Training System (ESTS) USA 2021
- Featured
The 2021 version of our ESTS Electrical Worker Arc Flash & Shock course was developed for workers who perform energized electrical work and is fully NFPA 70E-21 and OSHA compliant. This training course focuses on workplace electrical safety and the identification of the electrical hazards of arc flash and shock against an assigned energized electrical work task following a defined work flow process.
Training Topics:
- Justification for energized electrical work.
- Risk Assessment Procedure and the application of the Hierarchy of Risk Control Methods.
- Defining Approach Boundaries.
- Selection of appropriate Electrical Specific PPE, Tools & Equipment with proper pre-use checks/inspection, care, use and maintenance and content related to utilizing appropriate work practices/procedures.
- Occupational Health & Safety Management System.
- Electrical Safety Program.
- Heinrich’s Triangle of Preventing Industrial Accidents.
Students who score 80% or greater earn their training certificate and can apply for 0.6 Continuing Education Units (CEUs). Final assessment questions are fully randomized so workers never have the same exact questions. This training program focuses on the needs of the “end user”, and upon successful completion, will provide an updated operator's certificate.
Training Topic
- Awareness
- Canadian Requirements
- Non-Electrical Workers
- USA Requirements
Education Type
- Awareness
- Compliance
Learning Setting
- Online
Instruction Language
- English
- French
Price per seat
Session Details
- Compliance
- Online
- English